The Knox County Beekeepers Association is made up of a variety of members ranging in residential location,age, and experience. Most members are hobbyist beekeepers, but several have created successful part-time
businesses involved in honey production, swarm removal, pollination services, bee sales, and wax related crafts.
Meetings are held monthly, giving the members and visitors a chance to learn from each other's experiences
while staying connected to the broader beekeeping community at large. This connection allows our members to
stay current on the modern beekeeping techniques, concerns, and solutions that are rapidly evolving each year.
Most importantly, though, the KCBA is all about HAVING FUN!!!; We enjoy beekeeping and seek to educate
ourselves and our community about the honeybee and the essential role it plays in our food production and
various crafts.
QUESTIONS? CALL US: 865-363-4856